A dishonesty case can be a variety of things, and in each instance it requires expert legal advice. These cases range from simple theft to large-scale fraud operations, and a charge can have a significant impact on future employment; most professions and money-handling jobs will require you to disclose dishonesty offending in particular.
Sound advice early on in the process makes a huge difference. We are seasoned Auckland lawyers with a lot of experience in dishonesty charges, and can help you decide upon the optimal course of action, whether that’s paying reparation to reduce the sentence or defending the charges at trial.
Pragmatism is at the core of our legal advice, meaning we are set on achieving the best outcome for any client, whatever that might entail in a particular situation. We specialise in any dishonesty charge including (but not limited to):
Sound advice early on in the process makes a huge difference. We are seasoned Auckland lawyers with a lot of experience in dishonesty charges, and can help you decide upon the optimal course of action, whether that’s paying reparation to reduce the sentence or defending the charges at trial.
Pragmatism is at the core of our legal advice, meaning we are set on achieving the best outcome for any client, whatever that might entail in a particular situation. We specialise in any dishonesty charge including (but not limited to):
- All types of fraud
- Theft
- Burglary
- Theft in a special relationship
- Using a document dishonestly
We offer specialist representation in all charges of dishonesty including:
- Benefit Fraud
- Theft
- Burglary
- Unlawfully taking a Motor Vehicle
- Shoplifting