We are well-versed and experienced in representing those facing drug-related charges. These can vary hugely, from possession of drug paraphernalia to the importing or manufacturing of class A substances, and each drug charge requires specialised advice and guidance. Every case is different, with its own nuances.
Having routinely appeared in court to defend possession, supply, manufacturing, and importation drugs charges, and with a proven track record, we are a top choice for those seeking an Auckland criminal lawyer on drug-related matters.
Having routinely appeared in court to defend possession, supply, manufacturing, and importation drugs charges, and with a proven track record, we are a top choice for those seeking an Auckland criminal lawyer on drug-related matters.
We offer specialist representation in all drug related matters of Class A, B and C controlled drugs including:
- Possession;
- Supply;
- Cultivation;
- Manufacturing;
- Importation; and
- Possession of firearms and other drug paraphernalia.
Class A includes drugs such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine and Heroin.
Class B includes drugs such as Ecstasy, Ephedrine and Cannabis Oil.
Class C includes drugs such as Cannabis plant and Cannabis seed.